The School Leader Wellness-Feedback Loop

As school leaders, we play a pivotal role in supporting the growth of our staff to ensure the overall success of our school community, and providing intentional, impactful feedback is essential to growth. 

Simultaneously, our ability to provide effective feedback is directly influenced by our own well-being. When we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burnt out, our capacity to offer constructive feedback may be compromised, ultimately impacting the well-being and performance of our school community.

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • Insights into creating a positive feedback culture that supports the overall well-being of the school community
  • Strategies for enhancing personal well-being to optimize feedback effectiveness.
  • Practical tips and resources for integrating well-being practices into school leadership role
  • Q&A to answer your questions

Learn from Dr. Kelli Sammis, retired school administrator, in an SEL webinar designed specifically for campus and district leaders.

Watch the recording!

Enter your details in the form below to watch the school leader webinar.