How to Develop a School-wide Culture of Gratitude Amidst a Challenging Landscape

Research has shown that gratitude is more than just a courteous gesture; it is a powerful force that can shape school culture for the better. 

When staff practice gratitude for themselves and with their students, they decrease emotional dysregulation, build emotional resilience, and serve as a buffer against anxiety and depression. Within a school community over time, this leads to improved mental health, stronger relationships, and a more supportive learning environment.

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • The science of gratitude
  • How gratitude can support us as school leaders as well as our staff and students
  • Tangible strategies that can be easily implemented in your school
  • Q&A to answer your questions

Watch the webinar led by Dr. Kelli Sammis, retired school administrator, designed specifically for campus and district leaders.

Watch the recording!

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