How Compassionate Practices Toward Yourself Benefit your Staff and Students

Let’s launch 2024 and the spring semester with acts of compassion that will help each of us create safe and nurturing environments where teachers are once again excited about teaching and students are just as excited about learning!

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • What are compassionate practices, and why do they matter
  • How compassionate practices can benefit you, your staff, and your students
  • How the cultivation of compassion in your personal life will increase your effectiveness as a school leader
  • Tangible compassionate practices that can be easily implemented in your professional roles to create safe and nurturing school environments
  • Q&A to answer your questions

Learn from Dr. Kelli Sammis, retired school administrator, in an SEL webinar designed specifically for campus and district leaders.

Watch the recording!

Enter your details in the form below to watch the school leader webinar.