Our Master’s of Education
is Now Accredited!

Here’s what this means for you.

Breathe For Change’s Master’s Degree in Social-Emotional Learning, Mindfulness, and Yoga is now accredited! As a member college of Woolf, Breathe For Change is able to offer accredited degrees and credits.

The degree and credits will be jointly issued by Breathe For Change and Woolf, a global collegiate Higher Education Institution based in Europe whose degrees and credits are recognized in over 50 countries, including the United States. Through completing the program, you will earn 105 ECTS, the equivalent of 52.5 U.S. Graduate Level Credits.

Here’s where you can independently verify this accreditation:

View MFHEA with Woolf Recognition

Earn a Master’s through Breathe For Change!

Our Master’s Degree Program will inspire you to take your teaching and leadership to the next level. Through this transformative program, you will enhance your pedagogy, deepen your expertise in SEL, mindfulness, and yoga, and improve your ability to foster healing and social change in your school and community.

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